160310 Zhang 052 0

Tubes of various solar-powered catalysts glow in a rainbow of colors under ultraviolet light. Jian Zhang, assistant professor of chemistry, recently earned a five-year, $527,154 Faculty Early Career Development Program Award from the National Science Foundation to develop an organic-based catalyst that uses the sun’s energy to facilitate chemical reactions. His work could one day lead to cleaner fuel production. March 10, 2016. Photo by Craig Chandler / University Communications.
160310 Zhang 052 0 (permalink)
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Tubes of various solar-powered catalysts glow in a rainbow of colors under ultraviolet light. Jian Zhang, assistant professor of chemistry, recently earned a five-year, $527,154 Faculty Early Career Development Program Award from the National Science Foundation to develop an organic-based catalyst that uses the sun’s energy to facilitate chemical reactions. His work could one day lead to cleaner fuel production. March 10, 2016. Photo by Craig Chandler / University Communications.