240518 Commencement 1100

Nineteen ROTC cadets including Army Second Lieutenant Daniel Do of Lincoln approach the stage to recite their commissioning oath in front of the commencement stage. The actual military and naval commissions have been done over the past couple of days, but the group repeated their oath for the ceremony. Undergraduate Commencement in Memorial Stadium. May 18, 2024. Photo by Craig Chandler / University Communication and Marketing.
240518 Commencement 1100 (permalink)
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Nineteen ROTC cadets including Army Second Lieutenant Daniel Do of Lincoln approach the stage to recite their commissioning oath in front of the commencement stage. The actual military and naval commissions have been done over the past couple of days, but the group repeated their oath for the ceremony. Undergraduate Commencement in Memorial Stadium. May 18, 2024. Photo by Craig Chandler / University Communication and Marketing.