200818 Scarlet 174

Sydney Long, a senior in the Hospitality, Restaurant and Tourism Management program, talks about great opportunities she has had in the program. The Scarlet Hotel name was revealed today to announce the new hotel being built at Nebraska Innovation Campus. The hotel will be home to academic space managed by the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s College of Education and Human Sciences and will house the Hospitality, Restaurant and Tourism Management program. August 18, 2020. Photo by Craig Chandler / University Communication.
200818 Scarlet 174 (permalink)
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Sydney Long, a senior in the Hospitality, Restaurant and Tourism Management program, talks about great opportunities she has had in the program. The Scarlet Hotel name was revealed today to announce the new hotel being built at Nebraska Innovation Campus. The hotel will be home to academic space managed by the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s College of Education and Human Sciences and will house the Hospitality, Restaurant and Tourism Management program. August 18, 2020. Photo by Craig Chandler / University Communication.