190227 Power Of Huskers 35

Power of Huskers was held in the Willa Cather Dining Center. The University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s student-led “Hate Will Never Win” initiative is expanding under a new name. Now called "Power of Huskers," the initiative began as a call for unity in February 2018 and grew to a rally attended by more than 1,500. The event featured activities intended to encourage engagement between individuals. Combined, the sessions provide participants with knowledge to spur meaningful conversations. February 27, 2019. Photo by Justin Mohling / University Communication.
190227 Power Of Huskers 35 (permalink)
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Power of Huskers was held in the Willa Cather Dining Center. The University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s student-led “Hate Will Never Win” initiative is expanding under a new name. Now called "Power of Huskers," the initiative began as a call for unity in February 2018 and grew to a rally attended by more than 1,500. The event featured activities intended to encourage engagement between individuals. Combined, the sessions provide participants with knowledge to spur meaningful conversations. February 27, 2019. Photo by Justin Mohling / University Communication.