160219 Barlow 013

Steven M. Barlow, PhD, Corwin Moore Professor, Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders. Associate Director: Center for Brain, Biology and Behavior. Dr. Barlow holds an infant as she sucks on the NTrainer which was developed to stimulate the sucking reflex in premature infants. CEHS SPEC. February 19, 2016. Photo by Craig Chandler / University Communications.
160219 Barlow 013 (permalink)
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Steven M. Barlow, PhD, Corwin Moore Professor, Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders. Associate Director: Center for Brain, Biology and Behavior. Dr. Barlow holds an infant as she sucks on the NTrainer which was developed to stimulate the sucking reflex in premature infants. CEHS SPEC. February 19, 2016. Photo by Craig Chandler / University Communications.