230809 Tractor Movie 0459

Richard Endacott gestures to producer Jamie Vesay as they discuss whether a restored tractor should be started during the filming. Filming of the movie using UNL students as the production crew. Richard Endacott earned multiple awards for his screenplay, "Turn Over." Story about keeping the family farm operating in the modern era as two brothers come together via restoring an old tractor to help fund their operations. August 9, 2023. Photo by Craig Chandler / University Communication.
230809 Tractor Movie 0459 (permalink)
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Richard Endacott gestures to producer Jamie Vesay as they discuss whether a restored tractor should be started during the filming. Filming of the movie using UNL students as the production crew. Richard Endacott earned multiple awards for his screenplay, "Turn Over." Story about keeping the family farm operating in the modern era as two brothers come together via restoring an old tractor to help fund their operations. August 9, 2023. Photo by Craig Chandler / University Communication.