Kylie Muller sorts recyclable paper from Agriculture Hall during Wednesday’s sort. Environmental S
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March 24, 2021
Kylie Muller sorts recyclable paper from Agriculture Hall during Wednesday’s sort. Environmental Studies Orientation students work on a waste audit of Hardin Hall, Ag Hall, and Filley Hall as part of a class project. March 24, 2021. Photo by Craig Chandler / University Communication The waste audit is part of a community engagement assignment for students in Environmental Studies Orientation (ENVR 101). It will entail 11 undergraduate students collecting waste from the new recycling containers on East Campus. After collecting the waste, students will sort the waste into piles to be diverted to landfill and recycling. They will measure and record the weight of the waste. This is the first time the waste stream is being audited using the new recycling containers. The data students collect will be used for a baseline assessment of how the new recycling pilot program is working.